Terms & Conditions

1. Cryptocurrencies are considered a High risk activity and White validators co. Strongly encourages you to perform due diligence before considering any investment. We recommend people to invest only an appropriate part of your hard earned income as crypto market is very volatile and risky.

2. Crypto is a transferable property right which is neither legal tender, electronic money nor a financial instrument.

3. Crypto are not insured by any insurance corporation.

4. Investment in crypto vary according to the terms and conditions as per law of residing country.

5. Kindly refer to website and collect complete knowledge before investing.

6. Compensation plan may get changes as per company policy.

7. Do not share your private keys or mnemonic with anyone, you may loose your crypto assets.

8. White validators co. is not responsible for kind of crypto lost or theft by negligence of personal.

9. White validators co. has full rights to suspend any account if found guilty of any act against the company.